Human sacrifice is the most popular way to amuse gods and goddesses , according to Indian politicians and so called Nationalists, otherwise it is hard to conclude that why might they had planned such a devasting blast in a train which killed many innocent people of India and Pakistan travelling in the same.And that too on a day when the Pakistani Foreign Minister was arriving in the country for commencing peace talks with us.
Could it be a prayer for the ample results of the talks or might be the pre celebration for ending up the 50 years old Rivalry between the two countries.
I wish that could be the only reason behind the Samjhauta train Blast but no , it was not. Hindu Nationalists have actually planned to disturb the peaceful alliance which was going to be form on the same day by exploding the express train routed from DELHI to LAHORE.
it was on 18th Feb 2007 when a man boarded the train having a dream of meeting his mate staying in Lahore from last 3 years, but unfortunately his dreams were shortlived like him.It was said that 70% of the passengers were Pakistanis and rest were either Indians or Police Forces.
Till now no body has been accused with the charges but a tint of dark shadow is supposed to be formed by Abhinav Bharat , a group presided by Shrikant Prasad who himself was ex- army officer.
I dont know why the indian legal system is so reluctant to provide justice to 68 dead bodies and 50 close state of dead bodies on the samjhauta express bombings. Till now only Aseemanand had been convicted for it and he too have accepted the shade of Saffron terrorism in the explosion but what will be the next step, nobody knows.
At the end what could be only said is that despite of such suicidal attempts,there are many people in both the countries who want a keen and proximal relationship between these two countries, but some political mainstream leaders and ministers are proving roadblock for the same...
We the common people can just hope that these leaders go up soon... and lightens up the burden of the world.... I promise that day will be celebrated a independence day in a real sense!!